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Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Facing Circulation Mobile Black Market That Has worrying

In today's mobile technology advances, has placed mobile phone as a communication device that is very important and much needed by most people today. Therefore, the sale and distribution of mobile phones from year to year has increased significantly. One of them, can be proved with some mobile phones owned by most people (GSM and CDMA).
The amount of absorption of the mobile phone market in Indonesia, has provided many opportunities for the mobile phone distributors to distribute and market a competing cell phones that have been produced by the producers to the domestic market (society). Of course, this has created a high competition for mobile phone distributors, so some employers distributors who are not able to compete in a "healthy", the distribution of mobile phone do the "illegal", such as mobile-phone distribution in a way to avoid taxes. This way, it can provide "benefits" for distributors in the conduct "penetration" into the mobile market quickly, easily and cheaply, without reducing the "profits" earned by the distributors themselves.
In general, mobile "contraband" or known by the public as a mobile "Black Market", very different from the phone "Official" or also called as mobile phone "Legal", because, handphone "Black Market" is basically a cell phone accidentally smuggled into in the country by evading its tax system. While the phone "Legal" is a mobile phone which is distributed through authorized distributors who have cooperation with sales or post-sales mobile phone manufacturers, and has met the minimum standards set by the Government.
Again with a different kind of phone "Refurbished" which is a second-hand mobile phone repaired and renewed, so that the mobile phone, as if a new phone with a status of "Black Market" or phones with the status of "Legal".
Problems in the community was born when, the buyer does not know and understand, that the mobile phone is a mobile phone purchased "Black Market" or phone "Legal". This is further compounded by unscrupulous sellers who do not provide an adequate explanation for the potential buyers of the phone "Black Market" phone "Legal" or phone "Refurbished" to be selected by the prospective buyer.
Above problems experienced by fellow author, when buying a mobile phone Nokia 9300, Nokia 9300i, Nokia 6016 to Nokia XXXX. The mobile-phone is a mobile phone apparently "Black Market" and some of them are mobile "Refurbished". This, known as the mobile phone is damaged, which is then taken to the respective mobile phone service center. Apparently, the service center of the mobile product wearing the "fines" on the mobile phone owner, by reason of the mobile phone is a mobile phone "Black Market".
Actually, to tell the phone "Black Market" in circulation is not too difficult, because in general, the mobile-phone "Black Market" has the characteristics that are easily recognizable in general. Such as:
1. Serial number IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity), because the phone "Black Market" is generally delivered with the printed cardboard without IMEI numbers of each phone. In addition, the IMEI number can usually provide mobile phone distribution Country of identity.
To know each IMEI serial number, then we can press * # 06 # (international standard GSM) and * 3001 # 12345 # (international standard CDMA), followed by pressing the Ok button. The IMEI number, consisting of a number of unique digit serial number, which is not the same between the mobile phone with the other one.
2. Post-sale service (warranty), because the warranty is a guarantee from the distributor to the consumer about the quality of the phone is used. If the phone you buy has a warranty service Principal. Such warranty Nokia, Sony Ericson warranty, or guarantee Samsung, the mobile phone is being sold "Official" (Legal). Whereas if the phone has to be purchased post-sale service (warranty) "Distributor" or guarantee "Store", then the mobile phone is being sold "Black Market" (Illegal).
Post-sale service (warranty) the "Official", physically is generally indicated by the official distributor seal sticker attached to the phone box and attached to it, such as Nokia and LG Electronics Indonesia Indonesia. In addition, the mobile-phone "Black Market" in general has a poor phone boxes than the phone box "official", in addition to the guide book was not written into Indonesian.
Please note, that the actual quality of the mobile-phone with a status of "Black Market" has the same quality as the mobile-phone market with the status of "official". However, a mobile phone with a status of "Black Market" marketed at lower prices "Cheap" to "risk" does not get a satisfactory after-sales service when the phone is purchased experiencing technical problems (damage).
When reviewing the applicable laws of the view of consumer protection associated with mobile status "Black Market", then the actual presence of mobile "Black Market", was contrary to Law. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection, for it is essentially the consumer has the right to get information that is correct, clear, and honest about the condition and security of goods and / or services it uses (Article 4). However, each consumer must have a good faith in the transaction of purchase of goods and / or services, as one of consumer protection, intended to raise the dignity of the consumer itself, by means spare him from the adverse effects of the use of goods and / or services, businesses in addition to raising awareness about the importance of consumer protection that can cultivate an attitude of honest and responsible in trying (Chapters 2-3). Consistent with this,, Article 7 has confirmed that, "Sellers must provide true, clear and honest about the condition and security of goods and / or services as well as provide an explanation use, repair and maintenance".
Furthermore, if we look at the circulation of mobile phones "Black Market" in society, the circulation of mobile phones "Black Market" is not only contrary to the law relating to consumer protection, because if we look at Law. 36 Year 1999 on Telecommunication, in particular Article 32, it has been explained that, telecommunications devices are made, assembled, imported, traded and used in domestic, must meet the technical requirements and the specified permission.
Apart from the advantages, disadvantages and the circulation of mobile-phone "Black Market" is widespread, it is important is that enough knowledge and awareness in selecting, buying and using cell phones that fit the needs of each of us.

Government should be more rigorous in monitoring what products into this country should not be illegal goods can go with his easy and harm producers

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